Forestry South Africa

Breaking news

The Disaster Management Regulations allow for the operation of essential services.

On 23 April 2020, the President further announced the gradual and phased-in approach to other business operations. This will differ, depending on the level of lockdown, (Levels 1 to 5), deemed appropriate by the Government.

Every employer will, during each of the levels of lockdown and for the foreseeable future thereafter, have to adhere to detailed occupational health and safety protocols. This means that all employers must re-examine their activities, work environment, and policies in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and may need to change, adapt, or enhance these in order to operate.

Herewith, helpful Practice Note on Workplace Readiness.

In addition to the above the Return2Work Initiative ( is a useful resource that facilitates collaboration between government and business to provide tools and guidelines to enable sectors to expedite a safe, effective and structured return2work plan. These tools, resources, and guidance notes do not in any way replace the legislation but are intended to supplement and assist sectors and businesses to operate safely under the risk-adjusted framework.