Forestry South Africa
Breaking news
Updated guidelines on the national lockdown for FSA members
Subsequent to the announcement of the national lockdown, there has been quite some uncertainty about the process and interpretation of the published Regulations and guidelines. FSA has been working hard to ensure the inclusion of the Forestry Sector as a recognised Essential and Critical Business Service. On 26 March amended Regulations were published, which we believe included a number of key changes that may benefit our Sector. These include:
- 4 A (b) suggest that all exports deemed essential by direction of the Minister of DTIC could be approved.
- 11 E removes the indemnity from losses caused by enforcement officers.
Annex B Part A Paragraph 2 (V) inclusion of toothpaste (and by extension, Microcrystalline cellulose) - 31. Harvesting and storage to prevent wastage or primary agricultural goods. Wattle bark and fire and insect/pathogen-damaged timber come to mind.
- 33 Critical maintenance services which cannot be delayed for more than 21 days and are essential for resumption of operations after the lockdown.
The amended Regulations can be downloaded here.
Other relevant document to assist our members include:
National Disaster Benefit under the Unemployment Insurance Fund
Press release by the DTIC on the registration as Essential Services through the Bizportal
Guideline for the Permit to Perform Essential Services 26 March 2020
Currently all growers can continue to operate as they supply the feedstock for the mills/markets. Please register on the Bizportal. When registering on the portal, you have to pick a service sector. Only logical option is food supply. Nothing covers a company for more than one sector. On the Bizportal the company number it requires is the windeed number but without the last two numbers.
FSA is constantly engaging with the relevant State Departments to ensure our members interest are considered and to obtain clarity on any matters. We will keep our members informed through the FSA Telegram Channel, e-mails, the FSA website and direct queries.