DNA Fingerprinting

8 August – DNA Fingerprinting for Small Growers Initiative

The DNA Fingerprinting for Small Growers (DFSG) Initiative is an intervention of the Forest Molecular Genetics (FMG) Programme at the University of Pretoria, supported by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) to make a meaningful contribution to the small grower section of the SA Forestry Sector and its impact downstream in the forestry value chain. A key driver within the Forestry Bioeconomy Strategy is the mainstreaming and empowerment of small-scale timber growers (SSTGs) in the forestry sector, most of whom can benefit from more accurate genetic resource management, propagation and deployment of planting stock to improve productivity and reduce the risk of crop failure. This initiative will focus on the implementation of DNA fingerprinting technologies to enhance productivity, innovation and sustainability of SSTGs. The main aim of the initiative will be to lower the barriers of access to, and promote the uptake of DNA fingerprinting technology by the small grower industry, as well as nurseries and other SMMEs supporting small growers.

DNA fingerprinting and screening of seedling (family forestry) and hedge (clonal forestry) material in private nurseries is essential for ensuring genetic integrity during propagation and deployment. The
FMG Precision Tree Breeding Platform has over the past decade produced DNA fingerprinting profiles for over 70,000 Eucalyptus and pine trees representing much of the core and founder germplasm in South African tree breeding programmes. This has provided a basis for applying DNA based identification, parentage analysis and pedigree reconstruction in routine tree breeding and deployment operations. The DFSG Initiative will contribute to the development and deployment of more resilient plantations for SSTG’s in South Africa. Rapid climate change including more extreme weather events and associated pest and disease outbreaks are some of the main threats to the productivity of small scale plantations. Developing and matching the correct genotypes to the diverse and variable sites where most small growers are situated is key to sustainability of the small grower sector.

TIME: 10h30 – 12h00
VENUE: Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) – PMB
RSVP BY 12 AUGUST: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJDodV_ynnUPj02fOTK7OtdWhGVkTDb6y697-w1FBwziAyHQ/viewform


Click here to download the official invitation: https://www.forestrysouthafrica.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/DSFG_Launch-Invitation-2.pdf 

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