September newsletter – Celebrating Arbor Week with NCT Forestry
NCT Forestry, transforming a rubble and rubbish dump into a parkland for everyone’s pleasure

In February last year, NCT Forestry moved into its new premise, while the building itself was state of the art and a perfect new home for this ever-expanding forestry co-op, the area adjacent was less than ideal. Overgrown with weeds and exotic species, it had become an unofficial dumping site for both building rubble and household waste.
Never a company to back down from a challenge, NCT adopted this unloved spot and started a restoration and transformation process that will benefit both NCT staff and Pietermaritzburg locals. The first job was to clear the area, removing the rubbish and the unwanted exotics and developing the space into a park area which everyone could benefit from.
Arbor Month has seen the second phase of NCT’s plan commence, with the Head Office staff holding a planting day in the park. “The plan is to eventually develop the spot into an indigenous forest” explains Anita Nicholson, NCT Forests PR and Communications Officer, “the first step was to plant several indigenous species which will add to the biodiversity of the area, including a white stinkwood (Celtis africana), a yellow wood (Podocarpus henkelii) and a waterberry (Syzygium cordatum).”
Armed with shovels, NCT Accountant Rhonelle Brink, Gardener Enock Dingane, General Manager Danny Knoesen and Payroll Officer Myesh Pillay carried out the honours. While NCT’s Forest Technology Manager, Craig Norris, gave an excellent presentation to staff on the importance of trees and their value to the environment on a global scale.
It wasn’t just NCT head office that got a botanical facelift this Arbor Month, the NCT Richards Bay Complex also celebrated by adding Cape Ash (Ekebergia capensis) to their landscape.