March/April newsletter: TIP-Mag, bringing science to the forefront
After a year of hard work, a lot of patience, bucket loads of belief and some amazing contributors, the first issue of the Timber Industry Pesticide Magazine or TIP-Mag for short is being put into its digital jacket!
The TIP-Mag initiative was born out of the need to provide a platform for researchers, as well as students, whose forestry related research may not fit the criteria required for peer-reviewed journals but is still of exceptional quality and value to the Industry. However, the team behind it led by Roger Poole and Jacqui Meyer with support from Katy Johnson, knew it had to be more than a scientific journal for scientists.
“We wanted it to be a bridge, for knowledge transfer, where scientific research, opinions and ideas were communicated in a way that anyone with an understanding of forestry could grasp them. A scientific magazine that targets the lay-audience, but also provides a platform for researchers to publish their work too.” explains TIPWG Chairman Roger Poole.
This is no small feat, but by using lay summaries rather than scientific abstracts to introduce technical research notes and by asking those at the forefront of forestry-science to explain the theories and needs for their research in a way that is digestible to a non-scientific audience, TIP-Mag will be helping to bridge the gap between those doing the research and those ultimately implementing it.
While there is still a lot to do before the first issue is published, we want to thank all those involved, especially the contributors. It has been a long road to get to this point and FSA would like to acknowledge all those who have got TIP-Mag to this point and are excited about the day we finally get to launch it.